Friday, January 1, 2010

Damned plagiarizers

Think there isn't someone out there just waiting to copy your great idea? Well you are wrong, wrong, wrong. Some dumbass will copy what you've written virtually word for word and deny doing it when caught red-handed. You'll be pissed and want to smack the dumbass right in the head. Trust me, I know how you'll feel.

It was second grade, and our class had an assignment to write a story. Back around 1970, we wrote on wide lined paper with those great yellow pencils. I have no memory whatsoever of what I wrote about. But I never had trouble coming up with stories, and wrote the thing and turned in to the teacher.

Imagine my surprise when the teacher wanted to talk to me and '*****'. I'd like to protect this dork's identity, but his name was *****. I'd been to the kid's house once. It was way too much of a religious experience for me, and his mother was a creepy, smelly religious whacko in a 50's style dress. Not sure what prompted that little playdate, because ***** was (and is) a dork. I kind of figured dorks are smart enough to come up with their own stories. WRONG!

So I'm out in the hall with ***** the dork and the teacher. She starts giving US a speech about how it's not a good thing to be copying. Then she tells US that she's not going to do anything about it, for some assinine reason. Even as a 7 year old kid, I was a little outraged and expressed my innocence. The bitch blew me off! She wasn't listening to anything about how this dork copied my story.

***** never had any kind of explanation for his plagiarism. For some insane reason, this dork thought he could copy my story pretty much word for word and hand it in to the teacher as his own. I went to school with this dork all the way through high school and never forgot how much of a thieving dumbass, piece of shit, dork he was back in 2nd grade.

Seeing a photo of him on Facebook from 6th grade actually prompted this rant. I did google the dork to see if he is a convicted felon, child molester or a politician. Nope, none of the above. Just some thieving plagiarizer of 2nd grade material after all thse years. Maybe he reformed himself after being caught doing something so stupid. Stupid fuck.

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