Thursday, December 24, 2009

Health Care and a telephone

Everyone seems to be on the way to being forced to purchase health care from the criminals who run the health care industry. If there is a god, goddess, Gods or Goddesses out there watching over us, it seems like we can't make them too happy in our US of A. Halfway around the world we use the latest and greatest technology and way too much money to kill people in a war that we started.

Right here in our own country, we withhold the latest and greatest technology and any money at all from people dying from diseases through no fault of their own. Don't give that sniveling patriotism excuse, because it just makes no sense at all. If you have to wave your flag at enemies, your flag can be a simple symbol of your own insecurity.

The former Soviet Union was brought down by a hot war in Afghanistan and a cold war that lasted a generation. In the 1980's, I knew the country was done for. How? They had ceased to work for their own people. Elevators didn't work, people went without, roads crumbled and people stood in lines. So here we are with a hot war in Afghanistan and Iraq and a cold war on terrorists who are the mirror image of our kooky religious Reicht.

We have become a people lacking in common sense and intellect. Polarized political parties and religious dogma that plain makes no sense to me. The real problem is that a privileged elite class perpetuates the class, political and religious divides to enrich themselves and their families. We're left with people unable to step out of the chaos they've created.

Maybe it's always been this way, and it's simply a part of human psychology to take sides and hoist flags at one's enemies. If a wish came true to make me your supreme ruler, THEN things would change. Would I become your philosopher king? Hellz yeah, some shit would change.

First thing would be to make sure we became a country where the lowest level of health care available is better than any other country. It would start today with the same dedication in technology and assets that we utilize to blow people up halfway around the world. You'd see a lot of people walking around a whole lot more comfortable and happy than they are today.

Second, I'd make a law, a very serious law. The penalty would be stiff and immediate. In my law, every home and place of business would be required to have one telephone with a cord. Yes, I know there are a zillion cell phones around and portable phones all over every home. But why the hell can't I ever find a telephone when one starts ringing? There's a place where the portable phone should be, but there's almost never a phone there. When I take over, there will be an old fashioned phone there that you can toss across the room, and it still works like a charm.

That's right! One old fashioned corded phone and health care when I finally get my chance to run this here country. That would be a start.

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