I'm curious whether the whale had some kind of instinctual urge to drown its prey before eating it? If so, then the killer whale probably did want to kill the woman and possibly to eat her after drowning her. I took a minute to look on the internet and can't find an easy answer. It seems like I remember that killer whales do something to seals or sea lions to make them dead and easier to eat. That might be drowning them or maybe just batting them around.
Back when I lived in Chicago, I didn't actually own a car. I would actually ride my bike all the way to Wisconsin, turn around at 50 miles and ride back to Chicago. I did that 100 miles in 5 hours and twenty seconds one day. The goal was under 5 hours, so I tried again the next day and cut almost ten minutes off that time. This was almost all on roads, riding all alone and braving death with every mile. Ask any cyclist about riding 100 miles under five hours, and you should get a respectful response. It's like golfing very well.
The most dangerous risk to a cyclist is the white, killer yuppie. In all my experience as a cyclist and bicycle messenger, yuppies are by far the most dangerous people to the health and well-being of cyclists. Why is that? I'd expound on my opinion of yuppies, but I'm a bit afraid of offending some writer types who tend to be yuppies. I do enough of that when "screenwriters" defend shitty scripts and shitty movies and when they bash Triggerstreet to feel all kinds of sparky.
Female yuppies are only worse. I had some stupid, yuppie woman in San Francisco try to hit me with her car to kill me. I chased her down and parked my bike in front of her car. I don't remember what I said, because I was mostly wishing I had a pistol to shoot her in the face through her windshield. There are killer yuppie women and killer whales. I'd rather get drowned working with killer whales than run over by a killer yuppie. At least I'd make the news.
In April of 2008, this killer cougar managed to travel all the way through Wisconsin to Roscoe Village in the city of Chicago.

This "killer" cougar scared yuppies in Roscoe Village so much that the Chicago police shot and killed it. It did weigh about 120 pounds and was a wild "killer" cougar. Its stomach contained deer that it had caught and eaten on its trip to downtown Chicago. If you know where the Cubs play at Wrigley Field, then that is less than a mile from where this "killer" cougar was shot.
It didn't seem right to me to shoot it. But it was lost and jumping over tall fences and obviously could have killed a Chicago yuppie or two. So the police shot it and killed what is obviously a beautiful animal. A cougar is the same as a mountain lion or a jaguar. It still wasn't right.
Less than a mile from where I live, there was a cougar spotted by a couple people about a month ago. It was surprising how many people were scared for their families, themselves or their pets. A cougar made it all the way through Wisconsin, northern Illinois and almost to Wrigley Field without eating any people and maybe not even any pets. Obviously these "killer" cougars are nocturnal and try very, very hard not to be seen by people.
I talked to a guy who said he thought he saw the cougar. His story actually matched one of the other witnesses in the time and location. Both stated that they were driving home on the same road from a "second shift" job. This guy said he'd shoot it if the cougar came near his house, because he has a toddler in his home. I really thought it was cool just to possibly have such a cool animal near my home.
This is my killer Shiba Inu named Tessa.

Tessa loves pretty much everyone. She loves babies and is especially careful with little kids and babies. She give babies kisses in a manner that makes it pretty obvious that she's trying to be careful with her kisses. She's scared of two of the neighbor's Chihuahuas, because they come running at her all crazy and yipping. She's twelve years old now, and she's about the sweetest most gentle dog I've ever had.
But Tessa is a KILLER. If you saw what she does to muskrats, you would never trust her near any baby or even a cat.

Spazzy the cat has a ritual of pushing her paws into Tessa's stomach for about ten minutes. Then she puts her head on Tessa's butt and goes to sleep.
When Tessa sees a muskrat (aka "bad thing"), she goes into KILLER mode. This isn't a pulling the trainer by her ponytail under the water type of killing. Tessa hates water, but she'll dive into the water to expertly fling the muskrat with her jaws onto shore. Then she circles the poor muskrat and pounces. What follows is really too gory to describe. I only saw the tail end of her first killing of a muskrat and kind of figured it was already dead before she got it. But trust me, she's gotten about ten of them in the past five years. Muskrats trigger some instinctual urge for Tessa to kill the shit out of the poor things.
My sweet little dog becomes a true killer. Maybe it's the same instinctual thing that makes killer whales kill whale trainers, for yuppies to try to kill bike messengers and for cougars to kill deer. Life's a bitch. There's bound to be something around that can kill a person. There might be a cougar within a mile of me right now. Or there might be a human or two who would love to run me over on a bicycle. Who knows? Do you think I might need a pistol?!?